Kayettes Srove
to Develop Leadership

Through the years Kayettes have become a well-known organization throughout the world. Each year they campaign for UNICEF, C.A.R.E., Meals for Millions, the Heart Fund, save the Children's Federation, Cerebral Palsy, and several other worth-while organizations. This year the Kayettes alone collected $103 for UNIVEF.

In the fall at Kay-Kayette Conference, the organization was presented a 3000 point award, the highest attainable, for the fourth time. Under the leadership of President Diana Vincent and Sponsor Miss Deana McClure, the Kayettes worked to earn another 1000 point award this year.

During the school year, Kayettes busily planned a Date with Dad Party and a Mother-Daughter Brunch. They also sponsored a membership party in the girls' gym.





KAYETTE BOARD MEMBERS MAKE PLANS FOR THE COMING YEAR. Those pictured are: FIRST ROW: D. Vincent, president; J. Wolken, M. Mattingly, R. Shaw, B. Cook; SECOND ROW: J. Graybeal, L. Brown, K. Davis, P. Cartwright; THIRD ROW: L. Osborn, E. Whitney, J. Peterson, P. Jones; FOURTH ROW: M. shelden, J. Tivis, M. Fowler, S. Zakoura; FIFTH ROW: P. Sanders, M. Polley, D. Lambert, P. Sullins; SIXTH ROW: K. Platz, J. Troutman, P. Ludwig, D. Skeens; Miss Deana McClure, sponsor.

MEMBERS OF THE ORANGE AND GREEN TEAMS BUSILY DECORATE FOR A MEMBERSHIP PARTY. Those pictured are: FIRST ROW: S. Flint, A. Byers, R. Barrett, J. Hall, J. Harbour, T. Reep, J. Wolken, L. Haley, C. Spears, G. Perry, L. Tyrell; SECOND ROW: J. Dever, T. Kuder, L. Manly, M. Mattingly, I. Bolen, V. Cooper, D. Cavinee, B. Dudley, S. Frazier; THIRD ROW: M. Caylor, D. Dickson, H. Purvis, S. Hermreck, K. King, R. Breedlove; FOURTH ROW; M. Fowler, C. Baldwink, L. Ross, and P. Easterline.



PURPLE TEAM RECEIVES A LESSON ON PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE. Those participating are: FIRST ROW: E. Whitmey, L. Needham, P. Lewis; SECOND REOW: L. Brown, L. Pierce, L. McCoach; THIRD ROW: N. Wilhoit, P. Cartwright, K. David; FOURTH ROW: C. Farris, P. Ludwig, B. Chamberlain; FIFTH ROW: J. Talley.

SAFETY SIGNS ARE MADE BY THE RED AND PINK TEAMS TO BE PUT IN GA STATION WINDOWS. Those pictured are: FIRST ROW: D. Vincent, S. Parker, J. Hogelin, T. Cooper, P. Sullins, P. Sanders; SECOND ROW: S. Calvin, C. Conklin, C. Vess, S. Humphrey, E. Barnett; THIRD ROW: L. Osborn, J. Walters, S. Sharp, M. Fowler, N. Marriott, L. Van Horn; FOURTH ROW: S. Russell, P. Jones, C. Gonterman, C. Purvis, C. Cavinee, C. Skeens, and M. Polley.

Kayettes Spread
Good Will





WHITE TEAM MEMBERS TAKE TIME OUT TO GO CHRISTMAS CAROLING IN THE HALLS. Those Pictured are: BOTTOM TO TOP: FIRST ROW: J. Troutman, C. Marvin, J. Banister, J. Beets, D. Battersby; SECOND ROW: S. Landers; THIRD ROW: D. Lambert, P. Diehm,M. Hart, J. Cook, and M. Stevens.



Those Pictured are: FIRST ROW: L. Arner, J. Peterson; SECOND ROW: S. Trout, S. Lombard, A. Davis, M. Barnes; THIRD ROW: C. Banister, R. Ricketts, C. Stahl; FOURTH ROW: J. Atwood, J. Belshe, L. Casida, C. Wobker, S. Johnson, P. Dembny, K. Platz, B. Phegley, and M. Sheldon

MEMBERS OF THE YELLOW TEAM PREPARE FOR THE ALL SCHOOL GOOD-GROOMING TEA. Those pictured are: FIRST ROW: R. Griffith, D. Torrez; SECOND ROW: D. O'Brien, L. Lynn, V. Baughman, L. Workman, L. Stanley, J. Graybeal, L. McRoberts, P. Armstrong, J. Fields, S. Frazier, J. Henness; THIRD ROW: J. Tivis, L. Manly, S. Winton, M. Maxwell, E. Dela Cruz, and F. Platz.

Kayettes Honor Parents

Date with Dad

"My Favorite Fella", the theme for the annual Date with Dad party on November 10, worked very well into an evening filled with games, contests, and good food. For both fathers and daughters, this was the best date of the year.



Dads participate in a
grapefruit passing contest.

These dads attempt
to masater the art of
tie tieing.

A feast prepared by Kayette mothers is enjoyed by the fathers and daughters.
Mother-Daughter Brunch

A Brunch was held by the Kayettes to honor their mothers on January 30. A program on antiques was given by Mrs. Vivian Fowler. Refreshments were served in a setting of the theme, "In Her Steps".



Mrs. Fowler presents slides
for her program on antiques.

Kayettes and Mothers wait in reception line
for Brunch refreshments.



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