~ GOLF ~

Trojans Spirits High But
The Season Took Its Toll

Throughout the 1965 season, the Trojan golf team managed to improve with hours of practice, but could not achieve a victory over their opponents. Each day, ten Trojans reported to the course to receive instruction from Coach Reb. They dropped their first match to DeSoto 259-185. The team compiled 244 strokes to lose to Paola with their 191 strokes. Osawatomie then journeyed to Immaculata to receive a crushing defeat 234-141. The Trojans were pounded by Baldwin 250-204 and by DeSoto 213-190. Baldwin again defeated Osawatomie 214 to 173. Osawatomie took fourth in the Paola Quadrangular Tournament.

Barnes and Howell sharpen
up their putting.

THE GOLD TEAM STARTS THE LONG WALK. Those pictured are: Raymond Marvin, Fred Davis, Steve Harville, Lonnie Howell, Bill Day, Wally Hewitt, Mike Ray, Frank Barnes, Bob Barnes, Connie Conklin, and Coach Reb



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