~ thespians ~

The Thespians
Organized as an
Extracurricular Activity

Action has been the key word for the Thespians this year. They organized to provide a nucleus for speech contest work at O.H.S. This group renewed an interest in the speech arts, and provided a basic resource for programs in the school and community.

To join speech club, a person must either have had speech or have been currently enrolled in speech class. Every member of the club was expected to take part in at least one speech contest during the year. contests were held in the Spring, beginning with the local contest.

Not all was work for the Thespians, who had the opportunity of making several trips to plays and programs in other cities. The club, under the direction of President Peterson and Sponsor Longmire, held their meetings every second and fourth Thursday of the month.

THESPIANS ARE DISCUSSINS THEIR CLUB'S PROBLEMS WITH PREDICENT JO NEEL PETERSON. Those pictured are: FIRST ROW: Carl Brown, Patricia Jones, Joy Troutman, Rita Shaw, Fred Hatfield, Steve Punshon, and Mr. Longmire (sponsor); SECOND ROW: Donetta Skeens, Donna Lambert, Connie Marvin, Jane Wolken, Leah Arner, and Martha Fowler.


SPEECH CLUB OFFICERS ARE ENJOYING REFRESHMENTS AT THE FLAMINTO AFTER THEIR MEETING. Those pictured are: Leah Arner, Martha Fowler, Steve Punshon, Mr. Longmire (sponsor), Patricia Jones, Fred Hatfield and Jo Nell Peterson.




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