MEMBERS OF THE CHORUS ARE: FIRST ROW: Gale Landes, Frances Platz, Linda Brown, Margaret Hart, Linda Casida, Connie Marvin, Janette Filby, Patty Sullins, Barbara Phegley, sharon Byers, Jo Ann Henness, Mr. Larry Gilumn, Director; SECOND ROW: Dee Ann Cavinee, Connie Conklin, Carolyn Goetz, Linda Haley, Marilyn Harbour, Jackie Fields, Idris Bolen, Laoma Workman, Deanna O'Brien, Loreta Cannon, Susan Hall; THIRD ROW: Kathy Twogood, Virginia Cooper, Joan Belshe, Teresa Reep, Lucille Pierce, Marilyn Stevens, Janette Banister, Carol Stahl, Leslie Tyrell, Rita Shaw; FOURTH ROW: Dale Demastus, Raymond Marvin, Bill Graves, Paul Kapp, Jim Howard, Bruce Bowker, Stanley Rogers, Wally Hewitt, Tom Snyder, Edgar Mann, and Bill Hayes.

Chorus Gave
for the Public

The chorus practiced a wide variety of songs this year. The Christmas program, which was presented for the general public, was their first performance. As the new year started, they began to practice songs which they sane for a spring program and baccalaureate.

Members of the chorus were chosen by tryouts at mid-semester and in the Spring. This year there were forty-three members of the chorus under the direction of Mr. Gillum.

Accompanists Frances Platz and Kathy Twogood
study music for a program.



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