Newspaper was Information Digest of O.H.S.

The staff of THE OSAWATOMIE TROJAN, together with Miss Vossler, sponsor, have the monthly job of assembling material for publication. Items cover a record of past events and games, interviews of new teachers and students, editorials on timely problems, and coverage of future scholarship exams or contests of various sorts. Most students save their newspapers as a factual history of the school year. The staff often spent more than the allotted hour per school day in order to secure information for their stories, write their news articles, and then have them properly typed for submission to the GRAHIC-NEWS, which published the paper.

In his best thinking position, Editor Dean Spears
discusses headline layouts with Miss Vossler.
Dean Spears and Joy Troutman
make the last check over material before submission for publication.
Joy Troutman, Associate Editor,
busily types material given her by Connie Gonterman, Associate Editor and Don Byers, Sports Editor.






Table of Contents