CLASS OF 1966 MARCH 15, 1948 - JUNE 23, 2006 Linda Catherine Cholak, age 58, of Paola Kansas, formerly of Chicago Illinois and Osawatomie Kansas died June 23, 2006 at her home. Linda was born March 15, 1948 at KCMO. She was the first of nine children born to Irvin Lee and Carmelita Mary Catherine (Mersman) Osborn. She attended Greeley and Osawatomie Schools, graduating from Osawatomie High School with the Class of 1966 and then went to Pittsburg State University. She continued with her education at Rockhurst College in KCMO and went on to the insurance industry. She worked for Fred Embry Insurance Company from 1968 until the early '70s. She was married to Frank Damien Cholak at Independence, MO on November 22, 1971. They became the parents of one son. Their marriage ended in divorce in 1985. From the mid '70s until 1993 she worked for R. B. Jones Insurance and then Alexander and Alexander. She transferred to the Denver office in 1989 and then to Chicago in 1991. In Chicago she worded for CAN Insurance from 1993 to 1995 and then went to work for the General Council on Finance and Administration of the United Methodist Church in Evanston, Indiana and retired as their risk manager in early 2005. She moved from Chicago to Paola to live by the lake and be closer to her family in March 2005 and was diagnosed in April 2005 with ALS. She was known as a collector and loved to entertain friends and family. She was also a world traveler, as she was in all but three of the 50 states and traveled to many continents. She enjoyed shopping and she had the knack of finding that perfect gift for everyone. She also enjoyed reading, watching movies, watching the sun set, and most of all spending time with her grandson, Blake. She was a kind and giving person, always finding the good in everyone. She was a member of the Holy Trinity Church in Paola. She was also a member of the Society of Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) where she served as National Officers-Sections Governor, Regional Vice President and National Director as well as numerous National Committees and Task Forces and the Harry J Loman foundation where she was also a board member. She was preceded in death by her father Irvin Lee Osborn and her sister Debroah Osborn. Surviving family members include her son, Anthony, and grandson, Blake Cholak of Excelsior Springs, Mo; her mother Carmelita Osborn, Garnett, Kansas; four brothers John Osborn, Greeley, Kansas, Terry Osborn, Waverly, Kansas, Frank Osborn, Lane, Kansas and Bob Osborn, Paola, Kansas; three sisters Cleo Hansen, Lenexa, Kansas, Betty Keim, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and Roberts LaCerte, Topeka, Kansas. Services were held at 10:30 am, Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Paola, Kansas. Memorials to: ALS Association, 6950 Squibb Road, Suite 210, Mission, Kansas 66202. Linda was a good friend to the Class of 1966. She attended almost every reunion and often helped find missing classmates. She always had a big smile on her face and was always glad to see and visit with everyone and always had a great time every where she went. Several years ago at one of our class reunions Patty Sullins Mourning brought some Ottawa High School sheep bells with OHS painted on them and sold them to class members as noise makers to be used at the Alumni banquet. We were quite the spirited class and were completely obnoxious in our merriment. Every reunion after that classmates always brought those bells and noise was to be made when anything was said that related to our class or anyone that had a connection to our class. At the family visitation on the table just outside the door to the sanctuary was Linda's senior picture, yearbook and atop the yearbook sat the OHS bell from many years ago that she always brought with her as she shared good times with her classmates. A tear came to my eye as I picked it up and gave it a little shake one last time. She will be missed in a way that words cannot convey…..Linda, we loved you and will cherish the times each of us shared that made you so special to each of us. ---------Charlie Brand |