~ Nick Names, Etc. ~
Name Nick-Name Hobby By-Word Occupation Glenn
Nelson Nelson Auto
tires Say,
guy, Postmaster Helen
Bates Mary
Pickford Movie
Actress Now you stop
that Hair
Dresser Doris
Mattingly Honolulu Contrariness Good-night Student Margaret
Kelley Babe Going to
Paola Oh! boy! Traveling Pearl
McCaskey Pearl I got to
study Oh, God! Filling pop
bottles Marguerite
Roseberry Marge I don't care about
Miss Moyer I did not say
that Attracting
attention Maurice
Salisbury Monk School
teacher Listene here,
guy Spanking
kids Albert
Wolf Bert Study Shucks Farming Amy Fry Snookums Stenogtapher You big
fish farmerette Rollie
Pierce Jack Dancing Yes, yes; go
on Stenographer Evan
Phares Skinny Jack of all
trades Well,
listen Bookkeeper Ruhama
Tyrrell Bluhama Leaning on Ed's
arm Gee,
whizz Dressmaker Lula
Durrant Lieu Teaching Harold, stop
it Nurse
maid Frances
Harvey Shorty Wearing high
heels Shut up Getting
located Ermyl
Arbogast Stub Petting
frogs Oh, Joy! Clerk Hazel
Arbogast Chin Oh! those state
exams Doodle
Daddle School
teacher Virgil
Beck Beck Come easy, go
easy Gee
Wilikens Entertaining Sr.
girls Mabel
Callahan Peggy Oh! that
history Listen,
Hun Going to the
farm Ermine
Arner Er
(mine) Looking at
Patterns Oh!
Girlie Car
riding Lisle
Chambers Topsy Foolishness Well, I'll Swanee
River Visiting
Howard's Edward
Emmart Ed Attending a certain
girl Well, don't you
think? Janitor
work Harold
Allen Clarence Grabbing
handkerchiefs Aw, hush Hopping
counters Mamie
Stroud Mame I can go with him
if I want to Blaming the
Kaiser Getting
married Paul
Vohs Vohsie Lover of
Latin By Heck Merchant