
The Alumni, who return now, find many changes in the Osawatomie high School, but not so much in the building as in the course of study. Although the equipment of the school building is poor, the quality of work done is high. Education trains one to make the best use of his environment; to spend time, energy and money in the most profitable way; and to effectively put forth his efforts where they will accomplish the greatest good. With this idea in mind, the present practical departments in the high school have been organized.

Miss Michaels has charge of Home Economics which offers a two years course. Besides learning to sew by hand, the girls are given instruction and practice in the use of the sewing machine. Domestic Science includes both the study and preparation of various foods in regard to their chemical composition and the choosing of balance rations. It also includes formal and informal service. There are fifteen girls taking the first year's work and twenty-two taking the second year's work.

Mr. Amyx is at the head of the Manual Training Department. The object of Manual Training is to allow the student to put into execution his mental images. The boys become familiar with the use of the different tools and make many practical articles.

Osawatomie, now offers a first class three year's Commercial Course, although it started just a short time ago with but one subject, Commercial Arithmetic. The success of this work is due very largely to the head of the department, Miss Roseberry. In the study of Bookkeeping the pupils are taught to journalize, make statements, handle drafts, notes, etc. The Shorthand and Typewriting work consists of dictation, copy work and transcription. Often interesting speed contests are entered into, during practice hour. Pupils graduating from this department may assume a responsible position without further study.

The department of English under the charge of Miss Leonard, is one of the strong features of O.H.S. The efficient work done here has contributed no small share to the growth of the school. In the three years of required work, grammar, Rhetoric and English and American literature are studied. During the first year the students are given a review in grammar and a study in English composition. A large part of the second year work consists in developing the power to express an idea in accurate language. The third year takes up a study of English and American literature. During all three years various classics are read and studied. Also standard novels, as those by School, Dickens, Eliott and Thackery, are required as outside reading.

The study of the history of the past, social and economic as well as political, aids the student to comprehend the age in which he lives and prepares him to take an active part in civic enterprises. The high school provides instruction in Ancient History, taught by Miss Lear, Modern and American History, taught by Miss Leonard.

The chief aim of the department of Agriculture, under the direction of Mr. Matherly, is to give the boys and girls a knowledge of the soil and of growing things and a love for the farm and farm life. The class in its field trips makes experiments on the different varieties of soil and also on grain at various stages of growth.

Mathematics, also under Mr. Matherly's direction, includes one and a half years work in Algebra and one year in Plane Geometry.

The study of Physics or the Laws of Natural Science is to stimulate the student to find out the "How" and "Why" of natural phenomena. The different experiments are made and written up by each pupil in his laboratory note book; then, trips are taken to see the appliances in practical use. Mr. Amyx is the instructor in Physics.

The music department is under the supervision of Miss Woodburn, who has a music study class which is learning the rudiments of music. Besides this, the Boys' and Girls' Glee Clubs have been organized.

Language is one of the big departments of the high school, where Miss Lear makes the work interesting as well as instructive. The students of both years in German are required to carry on daily note books drill work, besides the required work in the text book The four years Latin course is in every way up to the standard requirements.

O.H.S. is proud of its Normal Training department, at the head of which is Mr. Hiatt. Besides studying all of the common branches the students get practice in substitute teaching as well as theory in methods and management. The course is up to State requirements and doing the work of larger and better equipped schools. The 1915 Normal Training class has an enrollment of twelve, which is the largest ever graduated from this course.

So, Osawatomie, a city of the second class, has a first class high school with a name which enables the graduates to enter any college in the state without taking an examination.

- Henrietta Jones



Instead of the annual Christmas program this year, the High School, at the suggestion of the Senior Class, raised $84.60 for the relief of the suffering Belgians. The campaign started Saturday, December 19th, with a Tag Day for all the classes.

The Domestic Science class made $3.90 by selling popcorn balls. The Freshmen class had a popcorn and candy sale, altogether they made $24.75, including $10 donated by one member of the class. The Sophomores made $12.70, at a pie supper and program at Indianapolis schoolhouse. The Juniors served a cafeteria luncheon in the Domestic Science room, clearing the most money of any of the classes, $27.89. The Senior class raised $15.36 as their share. Five members of the class gave a very enjoyable farce entitled: "A Box of Monkeys".




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