The Bewildered

Osawatomie High School opened its doors wide to the incoming freshmen. The first few days were bewildering ones to these students because of the difficulty in finding the right room and teacher to the corresponding hour. In their daily schedule you could find them taking physical education, algebra, and English. Many were also enrolled in clothing, general science, Latin, spanish, and general business. By the end of the year most were prepared to advance from the bewildering rank of freshmen to a struggling sophomore.


The girls gym class learns
the fundamental rules
of trumbling.



Students learn to read and
interpret the stock page
in general business.



Freshmen encounter the
bewildering world of
the X and Y of algebra.

The Struggling

The struggling days of a sophomore were filled with biology notebooks, designing and constructing projects in shop, and learning to drive. They also battled with compasses and protractors in plane geometry, with verbs and nouns in English, and waged war on the practice sets in bookeeping.

Trying to complete these studies caused many headaches but helped to advance the struggling sophomore to the awaiting junior.

Many projects are constructed
in shop for the home.

Students meet one of the requirements
of Drivers' Ed. by changing a tire.


While anxiety mounts inside, biology students check their
notebooks and wait for the total score.

The Awaiting

You could always recognize an awaiting junior in the hall by the expression of anxiety and glee caused from awaiting the day of receiving class rings and meeting the deadline of decorating for the Prom. Part of this anxiety, which caused many heads to throb, was completing history themes, writing and presenting speeches, learning to type, and taking dictation in shorthand. These trying times proved livable because in the foreseeable future was the advancement to an intellectual senior.

Students learn to
write and present
speeches with ease.

History students look over
material received in
preparation for their themes.

Students in literature choose books
to read for their own enjoyment.
The Intellectual

The intellectual senior had finally reached the peak of his high school years. After experiencing the years of bewilderment, of struggle, and impatient waiting, the student reached the plateau with their experiences in secretarial class, working with organic matter in chemistry, and studying languages. They also learned the procedures of government and were introduced to the economic world. For many this was their last contact with formal schooling and soon would learn that their intellectual leaning had just started.

Secretarial students learn to operate the mimeograph and assembly booklets with skill.

These students are busy
preparing for a Latin test.


Students take notes as they listen to their government lectures.
Goals Attained by

Not all school life was prearranged for the students. Throughout their four years of study they could participate in classes that met individual needs for all age levels. Students studied together, prepared meals, and sharpened their musical talents in band and chorus. These hours combined the talents of the intellectual, the anxiety of the awaiting, the strifes of the sturrgling, and the puzzles of the bewildered. All students reached to attain their goals and this was their finest hour.

These musicians are
taking their instruments
home to practice.

The chefs enjoy the meal
that they prepared.

Students quietly amuse
themselves during
study hall.



Table of Contents