~ Introduction ~
In publishing the 1962 Trojan, we have endeavored to relive, page by page, a wonderful year at Osawatomie High School. We have tried to create, through pictures and printed words, a living memory which will be enjoyed for many years to come. This year has meant something a little different to each student and faculty member, yet to everyone his was the year for achievement and growth during our eventful and challenging lives. If, while turning the pages of this book, you can recapture moments of joy and excitement, our purpose shall have been fulfilled. Trojan Presented by the Class of 1962 Osawatomie High School
Coach "Swede" Swenson and the football boys, the Trojan staff dedicates the 1962 yearbook to you because of the spirit which you helped the school to build. This spirit did not die on the football field. It stayed with you throughout the year in other activities. The long nights of hard practice and your deep enthusiasm brought many well-earned victories. The school is very proud of you, no for the victories alone, but for the good sportsmanship you showed in playing the game. |