~ Speech Club ~

FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: M. Slayman, President; J. McMahon, Treasurer; Mr. Wofford, Sponsor; J. Parmenter, Secretary; R. Mills, Publicity Chairman; SECOND ROW: N. Winn, T. Porter, J. Parker, N. Hawkins, A. Speck. T. Mann, M. Carberry, P. Buchanan, B. Barnett; THIRD ROW: L. Chitwood, C. Smith, S. Graves, F. Boehm, B. Hewitt, R. Doudna, M. Stone, B. Shepard, P. Fields; FOURTH ROW: R. Hawk, L. Cuddy, J. Matney, B. Reppert, B. Bachman, L. Hare. NOT PICTURED: B. Day, Vice President; T. Coker

STATE FESTIVAL, the Speech Club presented the one-act play, "The Pot Boiler" at the District Speech and Drama Festival, where they received a "I" rating. This entitled them to attend the State Speech and Drama Festival at K.U. Theyh received a "III" rating. The cast includes (LEFT TO RIGHT) Clifford Holloman, Phyllis Fields, Mike Carberry, Tom Coker, Bob Bachman and Linda McDowell. Gary Criss is seated at the table.




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