~ Band & Majorettes ~
The band, which has been under the able direction of Mr. R. G. Renoe for thirteen years, is entitled to much credit for its nine "highly superior ratings". |
CLARINETS Linda Harmony |
DE-FLAT CLARINET Mary Ann Hamilton ALTO CLARINET Sandra Hauber BASS CLARINETS Glenn McAnrney FRENCH HORNS Jim Bussell FLUTES Gay Hardesty
OBOES Becky McMahon SAXOPHONES Kay Duncan TENOR SAXOPHONES John Walker CORNETS John David Cole
BARITONES Jack Weide TROMBONES Larry White BASSES Kournies Shaw DRUMS Richard Buchanan |
We did it again! Eight years in a row,
O.H.S. BAND has won first place at the district music
festival. Showing pride in this fact are the officers:
President Colene Carpenter; Vice-President, Glenn McAnarney;
and Secretary-Treasurer, John Walker,
The O.H.S. PEP BAND helped stir up
much enthusiasm at pep rallies, assemblies, and games. The
members are: Left to Right, Front Row: Joe Clerico, Diane
Dollar, Karen Barrett, Barbara Coffelt, Linda Ward, Patricia
Latimer, Claudette Smithhisler;ROW TWO: Kay Duncan, Judy
Osman, John Walker, Glenn McAnarney, Madelyn Mooney, Jim
Bussell, Jack Weide; ROW THREE: John David Cole, Kent Perry,
Richard Grant, Colene Carpenter, Bill Fairchild, Ronnie
Renoe, Larry White; BACK ROW: John Dial, Dale Shaw, Richard
Buchanan, Clark Powell, Kournies Shaw, and the Directir, Mr.
Raymond Renoe.
Majorettes - Judy Findley Marsena Kim, Priscilla