OFFICERS: Margaret
Kleinhein President James
Buckman Vice-President Glen
Tush Secretary Bill
Thompson Treasurer
McKenna J. Henry
Aeronautics Club Ambition: Buck
Private in Army JOAN
ANDERSON Band; Orchestra;
Girls Reserve;G.A.A.: Glee Club; Junior Play; Dramatics
Club Ambition: Aerial
photographer or Goverment photographer in
BAKER Girls Reserve;
Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; Art Club; A Capella
Chorus Ambition:
Avatrix ROBERT
BARKER Football;
Basketball; Track; Glee Club AMOS
BASHOR Football;
Athletic Club; Aeronautics Club ERMA
Cabinet; Cheerleader; G.A.A.; Glee Club; Mixed
Chorus Ambition: To
make myself and others happy all the time WILLIAM
BROOKS Model Airplane
Club; Refresher Course Ambition: To be
a hobo. JAMES
BUCKMAN Basketball;
Football; Athletic Club; Hi-Y; Home Roo Secretary; Class
Vice-President Ambition: To
make good in life JOHN
CARR Hi-Y; Glee Club;
Mixed Chorus; Leathercraft Club Ambition:
Airplane Mechanic MARVIN
CAYLOR Hi-Y; Boxing
Club; Mixed Chrus Ambition:
Aviation Cadet WAYNE
CHAMBERS Orchestra;
Football 3 years; Band; Home Room Secretary; Home Room
Treasurer; Boxing Clulb; Craft Club Ambition:
Airplane Mechanic CHARLES
'CHIC' CHERRY Leathercraft
Club; Glee Club; Current Events Club; Band;
Orchestra Ambition: Army
Bombadier OPAL
Mixed Chorus; Girls Reserve Ambition:
To work in a Defense Plant. MARY
CORTNER Class Secretary;
Girls Reserve Cabinet; Junior Play; Senior Play; Queen's
Attendant Ambition: To
dance at the Paladium CHARLES
CRANE Hi-Y; Home Room
President; Leathercraf; Athletic and Boxing
Club Ambition:
DEVER Mixed Chorus;
Hi-Y; Current Event Club Ambition:
Successful Business Man WILLIAM
DICKEY Hi-Y; Glee Club;
Mixed Chorus; Boxing Club Ambition: To be
a doctor in German Hospital MARCELLA
DUNAWAY Glee Club; Mixed
Chorus; Girls Reserve Cabinet; G.A.A.; National Honor
Society (Senior); Junior Play; Senior Play; President Home
Room; Treasurer Junior Class; Football Queen (Senior);
Queen's Attendant (Sophomore); Editor-in-Chief Newscaster;
Student Coundil Ambition: To
tavel EDDY
ERICKSON Hi-Y Treasurer;
Home Room President; Band; Junior Play, National Honor
Society (Senior); Science & Dbate; Pol. Science Club;
Glee Club Ambition:
Chemical Engineer ERMA
FEUERBORN Girls Reserve
Vice-President; Home Room Vice-President; Girls Reserve
Membership chairman; Junior Pay; Glee Club; Mixed Chorus;
Pol. Science Club Ambition: To be
a success. HELEN
GRIFFIN Girls Reserve;
Office Girl Ambition: Nurse
in Training Center CHARLES
HAYS Science Club;
Current Events Club; Leathercraft Club Ambition:
Farmer ONA
MAE HAYS Student Council;
Girls Reserve President; Girls Reserve Devotions Chairman;
Junior Play; Senior Play; National Honor Society (Junior);
Debate Tournament; Senior Leap Queen; Speech Festivals;
Mixed Chorus; Pol. Science Club Ambition: To be
an old maid. BILLY
HECKART Glee Club;
Football 4 years; Co-Honorary Capt. Football
Team Ambition: Join
the service and help win the war, first of
years; Basketball 2 years; Glee Club; Athletic Club; Student
Council Ambition: Pilot WALTER
HOWELL Hi-Y; Newscaster
Staff; Mixed Chorus; Glee Club; Pol. Science Club; Senior
Play Amtition: Army
Air Corps JACK
JUDD Glee Club; Mxed
Chorus Ambition: Join
Secretary; Home Room Treasurer; Student Council Rep; Girls
Reserve Secretary; National Honor Society (Junior); Junior
Play; Senior Play; Lettered in Tennis; Class President;
Orchestra; Mixed Chorus; G.A.A. Ambition: Lawyer GLADYS
LLOYD Girls Reserve;
Mixed Chorus; Attendant to Queen ANNA
MAREZ Girls Reserve;
Debate Club; Orchestra; Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; Junior
Play; Vice-President Drama club Ambition: Singer
and dancer with Xavier Cugat's orchestra. LAVERNE
MARTIN Football; Track;
Boxing Club Ambition: Sax
player HAZEL
MATHIA Girls Reserve;
Drum Majorette; Current Event Club; Aeronautics
Club Ambition: Nurse LEONA
McDOWELL Girls Reserve;
Current Event Club; Sewing Club Ambition: Attend
college and become a Home Ec Teacher ELDON
McKOON Glee Club; Hi-Y;
Mixed Chorus Ambition:
McLAUGHLIN Band; Glee Club;
Mixed Chorus; Hi-Y; Junior Play; Senior Play Ambition: Get my
wings as a pilot. DORIS
McNEIL Girls Reserve;
Newscaster Staff; Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; Drum
Majorette Ambition: To be
a model and own a South Sea Island. LAVENIA
McQUEEN Girls Reserve;
Home Room President; Home Room Secretary; Senior Play;
National Honor Society (Senior); Glee Club; Mixed Chorus;
Pol. Science Club; G.A.A. Ambition: Pvt.
Sec'y. - till after the war. JACK
MOLER Treasurer Hi-Y;
President Student Council; President Junior Class; National
Honor Society (Junior); Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; Band;
Orchestra; Political Science; Junior Play Ambition:
Airplane Pilot RICHARD
MUELLER Hi-Y; Basketball
2 years; National Honor Society (Senior); Senior Play;
Vice-President Home Room Ambition: To be
a Civil Engineer MARY
NEWLAN Girls Reserve;
Newscaster Staff Ambition: Nurse WILLIAM
PIERCE Band; Tennis;
Basketball Ambition:
Merchant Marines WILLIAM
PIGGOTT Band; Junior
Play; Hi-Y; Glee Club; President Home Room; Treasurer Junior
Class; Student Council; National Honor Society (Senior);
Basketball 3 years Ambition: Get
out of High School MAMIE
PITTS PEDROW Girls' Reserve;
Home Ecomonics Club Ambition:
Secretary at Camp Davis North Caroina BERNICE
POLK Glee Club; Girls
Reserve; Library club; Current Events Club Ambition:
PRIEST Girls Reserve;
Glee Club; Newscster Staff Ambition: Old
Maid LEE
ROY RAYMER Boxing Club;
Hi-Y; Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; Boys' Ensemble Ambition:
Draftsman PERRY
Events Club; Boxing Club; Leathercraft Club;
Track EDNA
RODEWALD Came from Paola
Sophomore Year; Editor-in-Chief Newscaster; Glee Clu; Girls
Reserve; Aeronautics Clulb; Current Event
Club Ambition: To see
the world. RALPH
ROSS Engered this
year; Model Clulb Ambition:
RUSSELL Girls Reserve;
Glee Club; Pep Club; G.A.A. Ambition: Get
out of school DOROTHY
President; Current Events Secretary; Current Events
Treasurer; G.A.A.; Girls Reserve; Quizz Club Ambition:
Stenographic Job DOROTHY
SHEROD Ambition:
Governess HELEN
MARIE SHIVELY Band; Glee Club;
Acapella Chorus; Dramatic Club; Mixed Chorus; Girls Reserve
Cabinet; Girls' Ensemble; Won Essay contest Ambition: Dr's
Secretary in Hospital DELORES
SMITH Glee Club; Mixed
Chorus; Girls Reserve; Current Event Club Ambition: Keep
SPEAKS Fancywork Club;
Glee Club; Current Event Club; Home Economics Club; Mixed
Chorus Ambition: To
work in Defense Plant in Wichita JACK
SPEARS Football 3
years; Basketball 2 years; Vica-President Freshman Class;
Glee Club Ambition:
Merchant Marines WAYNE
SPRINGER Mixed Chorus;
Glee Club; Hi-Y; Athletic Club; Science Club;
Football Ambition:
THOMPSON Student Council;
Football; Basketball; Band; Home Room President; Home Room
Treasurer; Class Treasurer GLEN
TUSH Band; Football;
Glee Club; Class Secretary; Home Room
Treasurer Ambition:
Gunnery Officer in Navy MARY
VASQUEZ Fancywork Club;
Home Economics Club; Library Club Ambition:
Housewife MERLE
JEAN VEST Fancywork Club;
Girls Quartette; Glee Club; Mixed Chorus; Library Club;
Captain in G.A.A.; Girls Reserve Ambition: Sing
with famous orchestra or be a transport pilot ROY
WACK Band; Orchestra;
Political Science Club Ambition: To be
a Marine. CLOMAN
WEAVER Speech and
Debate; Editor of Newscaster; Political Science
Club Ambition: Hobo LOUISE
WEAVER Home Room
Vice-President; Home Room Secretary; Home Room Treasurer;
Girls Reserve Program Chairman; Band; Glee Club; Mixed
Chorus; E. Ks. League Contest Play; Pol. Science Club;
Speech Festival; G.A.A. Ambitio:
Secretary to President MERLE
WEAVER Current Events
Club; Political Science Club; Student Council Rep; Student
Council Vice-President; Aeronautics Club Ambition: Man
of the World ROSEMARY
Chorus; French Club Pep Club; Sewing Club; Science Club;
Cooking Club PAUL
WILSON Hi-Y; Glee Club;
Mixed Chorus; Leathercraft Club; Athletic
Club Ambition: Navy
as soon as school is out DORIS
WINSLOW Senior Play;
National Honor Society; Girls Reserve; Treasurer Home Room;
Attended Speech Contests Ambition: Perform
over the radio BETH
WISEMAN Girls Reserve;
Current Events; Mixed Chorus; Glee Club; Dramatics Club;
Valedictorian Ambition: Good
Secretary MANFORD
WOBKER Dancing Club;
Leathercraft Club; Current Events Club; Glee Club; Mixed
Choru Ambition:
Carpenter RALPH
YOCUM Boxing
Club Ambition:
Farmer MAX
YOUNG Current Events;
Junior Play; Athletic Club; Football; Basketball; Treasurer
Home Room; Glee Club; Political Science
In addition,
seven members dropped out to join the service:
Harry Mills, Eugene Reedy and Floyd Brunts joined the Navy
Damon Floyd, Alvin Sharp, and Richard Sharp joined the Army
Henry Bledsoe joined the Marines