The Dramatic Club
has made wonderful progress under the sponsorship of Miss
Alder. The following plays have been presented during the
year: "Anne What's Her Name", "The Mouse Trap", "The
Neighbors", "Our Aunt From California", "The Burglars".
Individuals from the club have presented a number of
interesting readings on our chapel programs.
FRONT ROW: Helen Winchel, Margaret Walters, Veda Dickerson,
Nadine Truxall, Corinne Trayser, Maxine Varnes, Florence
Riley, Maryema Voshall, Leota Hays, Bertha Howerton, Marian
Mullen; ROW TWO: Alleen Holloway, Beulah Barrett, Margaret
Carpenter, Vivien Bush, Louise Eddy, Helen Belle Dallas,
John Herbert Warren, Ray Jones; ROW THREE: Arnold Turner,
Wadene Barnett, Gladys Dickey, Alice Henney, Elizabeth
Bedford, Lovie Deen Casto, Marjorie Carmichael, Miss Alder
(Sponsor), Dean Landis, M. J. Crotty, Clarence Mooney; ROW
FOUR: Wilma Mount, Dorothy Piggott, Helen Carr, Mary Maxine
Powell, Mary Jane Andrews, James Fowler; ROW FIVE: Nadine
Weber, Thelma Tyree, Florence Heitzman, Margaret Whitney,
Arleene Galbraith, Maxine Meek, Kenneth Carson