1928 OHS Yearbook



LFFT TO RIGHT, FRONT ROW: S. M. Steele, Coach; James Powell, President; John Punshon; A. L. Fredericks; BACK ROW: Ivan Hanlin, Secretary-Treasurer; George A. York, Superintendent; J. Henry Reb, Coach; Mordy Flint

The Athletic Council is a new organization in O.H.S. Its purpose is to build up the athletic association. The council consists of and has the following duties:

1. Athletic Council to be composed of superintendent, principal, and two coaches, four from student body, one to be elected from each class.

2. In football, a man shall play in one-half of the halves.

3. In basketball, a man shall play in one-half of the games.

4. In a dual meet, anyone taking one first, two seconds, or three thirds shall be entitled to a letter. Anyone who is a member of a relay team, or anyone who places in an event in a sectional meet shall be entitled to letter.

5. Athletic Council to provide for all advertising and to sponsot all ticket sales.


100-Yr Dash

High Jump, 220, and Broad Jump

Mile Run & Pole Vault

Senior Girls' Basketball

Junior Girls' Basketball

Distance Runner & Pole Vault

Pole Vault


Freshmen Basketball

50-Yd & Relay, Mile, Broad Jump




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