1918 OHS Yearbook


The Osawatomie High School has always been fortunate in securing efficient reachers as well as teachers of good standing. But next year, the proposition of getting efficient teachers is not going to be an easy task. So many of the young men have been called to the Colors and less efficient ones must take their places.

We are sorry to say that all, except two, of the O.H.S. teachers are going to leave next year. Miss Cleda Pace, the Domestic Art and Science teacher, will remain with us, also Miss Helen Gallagher, of the English Department.

Superintendent S. D. Hendrix is going to seek broader fields in his line of teaching. We wish him the greatest of success.

Mr. Delmar Dewey, Principal, who comes in the first draft, is undecided as to what he will do next year, as he expects any time to be called to the Colors.

Miss Mabel E. Roseberry has accepted a position in the Paola High School, similar to the one she now holds. We hope that she may have as great a success as she has had in O.H.S.

Miss Lydia Paul, who has been here only one year, but who is well liked by all who know her, has accepted a position as instructor of languages at Bacome College, at Bacome, Oklahoma.

Miss Celia Moyer is another one of our excellent teachers, who will not be with us next year, but we hope she will have as much success as she has had in her one year teaching in O.H.S. She has been Normal Training instructor and will teach Latin at Belleville, Kansas, next year.

Miss Cash will teach at Minneapolis, Kansas, next year as instructor in music and drawing. Miss Cash is one of our most popular teachers and every one is sorry to lose her.

We are sorry to lose these splendid Faculty, but we are also glad for their success in securing better positions, in broader fields in their line of work.

- P. Mc.

On the evening of May 4th, 1918, the Faculty of the Osawatomie High School entertained the Senior Class with a Theatre party, in the Auditorium of the High School. As the class gathered in the Hall, they were directed to the Library Room by Freshmen Boys, attired in black, representing Pages. Here they were given a formal reception, the Faculty, with the exception of Miss Gallagher, who was represented by Mr. N. O. Rogers, composing the receiving line. The earlier part of the evening was spent in the Library room, conversing while strains of Victrola music enchanted the air. The Pages soon passed around small black and gold booklets containing the cast of the play to be given, and where it was laid. On the front of the booklets were stenciled roses.

Following this enjoyable part of the evening, they were conducted by the Pages to the Auditorium, where the most entertaining part of the evening was spent, being entertained by the Faculty in one act pantomime, "Cinderella," and listening to the music rendered by the Indianapolis Orchestra, singing class songs and giving class yells. The cast was as follows:




Fairy Godmother




Court Jester

Queen's Attendant



Lydia Paul

Mrs. M. Matherly

Mabel Roseberry, Celia Moyer

Edith Cash

Cleda Pace

E. W. Matherly

Delmar Dewey

S. D. Hendrix

Edith Cash

Howard Jenks, Nelson Roscoe,
Everett McMillen, Ralph Morey

N. O. Rogers


1 -

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 -

6 -

Cinderella's Home

Cinderella's Home

King's Palace

Cinderella's Home

King's Palace

Cinderella's Home

The characters interpreted their parts splendidly. Each seemed to fit in the part they were interpreting. The stepmother and her daughters made such a striking contrast to Cinderella and her lowliness. Cinderella's forgiveness won for her praise after such harsh treatment. The charming young prince was very attentive to Cinderella and finally won her hand, which, of course, pleased the royal parents. Too much cannot be said about the ability of the godmother in changing Cinderella from a lowly cinder girl to a beautiful princess. Mr. Hendrix, in the Jester attire, brought in the humorous side of affairs.

After the theatre party, the Pages showed all down to the roof Garden. this was the hall of the basement, all decorated with foliage. Here each found his place at the tables by means of slippers like Cinderella's with the name of the guests upon them, and enjoyed refreshments served by the Pages. During this time the Orchestra played, which gave the atmosphere an air of happiness and felicity. After lunch we were again invited to the Library room, departing soon after with a spirit which will cause many happy thoughts to come to us in remembrance of the grand reception given by the Faculty of Osawatomie High School.


On one recent music morning, Miss Cash announced we would sing the Faculty's favorite songs. This being quite a surprise to both the student body and also the Faculty, all joined in and sang with lots of joy and glee. their favorite songs are as follows:

Mr. Hendrix: "Blest Be the Tie that Binds"
Miss Paul: "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes"
Miss Moyer: "Soldier's Farewell"
Miss Pace: "Forsaken"
Miss Gallagher: "Last Night the Nightingale Woke Me"
Miss Roseberry: "In the Gloaming"
Mr. Matherly: "Speaky, Spike, Spokey"

Mr. Dewey has two favorites. When he first came to Osawatomie, his favorite was "Love's Old Sweet Song", but after being here some time he has come to the conclusion his favorite is "Old Black Joe".

Just why the Faculty chose these particular songs we do not know, although some of us can imagine why by their titles.

This is another good way that will bring memories of our dear old school days back to us when we have departed; wherever we hear these songs our memories will be back to our school days in 1917-18 with the excellent Faculty of which we are losing a large portion this year.

Nevertheless the student body and Faculty did enjoy singing every song. Just as we were about to be dismissed an announcement was made by Miss Pace, saying she wished us to sing No. 64. This is not Miss Cash's favorite, but is appropriate to sing at this occasion. The song was "Murmur Gentle Lyre"

We were then dismissed wondering if each selection was really their favorite as Miss Cash announced.




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