![]() Since the organization of the Osawatomie High School in 1891, with one two-year course of study, the school has enjoyed a rapid growth and development. The first graduation class was in 1894 when four seniors received their diplomas. The curriculum now includes five four year courses, viz: College Entrance, Normal Training, Commercial, Industrial and General courses. The present senior class has twenty-three members, and the enrollment of the entire high school has reached one hundred and thirty-five. The High School building is a two-story brick structure with basement, centrally located on a block three hundred feet square. The building was erected about twenty-five years ago, and while it accommodated very nicely the district at that time, it is wholly inadequate to meet the growing needs of the present. The time is at hand when the district must consider the erection of a modern up-to-date High School Building, one that will meet the requirements of the district for thirty or forty years to come. Plans are under consideration by those in authority and there is every reason to believe that a modern high school building for Osawatomie will be an accomplished fast in the near future. Modern equipment including shower baths and flush closets has been installed in the basement of the present building. It is also equipped with electric lights, both telephones, and is piped for gas, while lawns, flower beds and shade trees surround the building. The various departments of the high school work have been described elsewhere in this volume. However, it might be of interest to note in passing that excellent facilities are afforded in Physics, Chemistry, Botany and the industrial courses, but for small classes only. The library facilities are exceptionally good. Besides the reference books in the recitation rooms, access is readily had to be thousands of volumes in the splendid city library on the corner of the school grounds. The school has twenty-four sterescopes and a thousand stereoptican views covering the entire field of school work. A combined moving picture and lantern slide machine has recently been added to the school equipment. Rhetorical work consisting of declamations, essays, orations, and debates is given throughout the four years. Spelling is also given three times a week during the entire course, public men and speakers are given opportunity to address the student body and visitors are always welcome. During the year several parent teachers' meetings were held in the School assembly room where many topics of vital interest to the welfare of the boys and girls of the school and the town in general were discussed. These meetings have resulted in a great deal of mutul good, enabled the parents and teachers to work in greater harmony in matters pertaining to the best interests of the school. It is the hope of those in charge of the school that it may be of service to the community and in this spirit they welcome friendly criticism. |